Agrasen Mahavidyalya
Agrasen Mahavidyalya

About Us

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for Teacher’s

For Attendance

a)      A set of code of conduct has been implemented in AGRASEN MAHAVIDYALAYA Raipur, to ensure that the system should function smoothly. In this connection Biometric attendance is maintained for both the teaching and non teaching staff. The teaching staff is expected to arrive at the college by 7:50 AM.

b)      To ensure punctuality among the staff institution, the college management has made some strict provision, if any staff comes late, viz late coming for 3 days is counted as one Casual Leave (CL), or leave without pay (in case no C.L. is left). Prior information for late coming will be considered as special case on the discretion of principal.

There are special provisions for Academics programs: Orientation programs/ Refresher programs/ Conference/ Workshop/ Seminar/ Symposium or equivalent programs (as per the UGC guidelines):

  1. Any teaching staff would be relieved for only one Orientation course during his/her service tenure in the college.
  2. Any teaching staff would be relieved for two refresher courses or programmes, equivalent to refresher course, during his/her service tenure in the college.
  3. The teaching staff would be allowed to join either Orientation or Refresher course, in a single academic session.
  4.  In any particular Orientation of Refresher course, only one teacher, from each department, would be allowed to attend, so that the regular teaching is not affected in college.
  5. Special permission will be given to the teaching staff, for attending state/ university/ national/ international level; symposium/ workshop or conference as resource person or as participants or for presenting research paper, as per the needs of the institution. Only one teacher from one department will be allowed for any single event of this nature. To avail the benefit of this clause, the teaching staff would have to give prior information with necessary documents (Invitation letter) at least a week before the programs. The final decision would be taken by the Principal on this matter.
  6. The participant is required to submit a self attested copy of certificate, received from the program organizers, after participation in any of the above-said academic programs,


  1. Sanction of leave from duty for academic purpose such as, external examiner in practical exams, delivering guest lecture, University assigned duties, attending conference/seminars, workshop, will be the sole discretion of the principal.
  2. Any teaching staff may be permitted to attend the assigned job, only after the sanction of duty leave from the institution. Without having the sanction of duty leave by the college, he/she will be considered as ABSENT and will be subject to LWP (leave without pay). In special cases, sanction of duty leave will be completely the sole discretion of the principal.
  3. All the teaching staff of the college is expected to attend the duty during the university examination, Govt. examinations conducted by the college, internal examinations of the college. Sanction of any type of leave during this period will be the sole discretion of the principal.


a)      Information to the employer with all the necessary documents and permission from employer is mandatory for regular teaching and non-teaching staff, in case of applying for job in any other government/ autonomous/ or private organization,  

b)      Regular teaching and non-teaching staff must take prior permission from the employer for any kind of higher studies through proper channel.

c)       For leaving the job, the regular teaching and non teaching staff is required to give a prior information (ONE OR THREE) months in advance, or deposit (ONE OR THREE) month salary. In any special cases, the final decision will be taken by authorized to employer.




The institution distributes salary through Bank of India. All the teaching and non-teaching staff is required to open a salary account in Bank Of India, Tatyapara Branch, Raipur (CG).

EPF Basic:-

EPF (Employee Provident Fund) Contribution of management is deposited with respect to minimum EPF basic, as per government notification. ESI (Employee Social Insurance)

ESI facility is applicable only to those staff members who are getting monthly salary less than or equal to 21000/- per month.



Code of Conduct For Student

  • Maintain healthy environment in the college premises.
  • Do not make noise while moving from one class to another.
  • Do not use abusive words and maintain a cordial behaviour.
  • Maintain proper line for fee payment.
  • Do not write anything or tear pages from library books.
  • Do not litter garbage anywhere, use dustbin.
  • Switch off lights and fan when the class is over. .
  • Use water from water cooler for drinking purposes only.
  • Maintain discipline in class.
  • Follow Notice board instructions daily.
  • Keep your vehicles properly in the stand.
  • Do participate in all the co-curriculum activities like sports, Quiz debate, literacy and cultural activities of the college.
  • Help the weak student.
  • Maintain Equality among fellow students.



Code of Conduct for Governing body

(1)- Rights of General body-

  • The General body is expected to present annual report on the previous year’s activities.
  •  To manage the assets and properties of the body.
  •  To appoint auditor for next five years.
  •  To approve the financial account of all the units of the body.
  •  To approve the budget.

(2)- Formation of executive body-

All the trustees, if there are any, would be the sitting members of this. The seven members, i.e. Patron, Life-time members and Ordinary members;, whose names are mentioned in the minutes- register, would elect following office-bearers and executive body on the basis of majority.

  •  President B- Vice president C- Secretary D- Treasurer and 7 members

(3)- Tenure of the executive body

The tenure of the executive body would be of five years. This body would be allowed to function further, if the Governing body feels genuine reason and until the next executive body is elected as per the regulation and by laws of the organization. However this extension would not be more than six months. This extension would have to be approved in the general body meeting.

(4)- Rights and duties of the executive body-

A-  To fulfill the objectives, for which this body has been formed.

  • To present the audited financial account of the previous year with annual report in the general body meeting every year.
  • To pay the salary and other dues of the staff members of all he units, run by the Governing body of Organization. To pay taxes and dues, imposed on the assets and other properties of the body.
  • To appoint teachers and other staff.
  • To perform all other tasks, assigned by the governing body from time to time.
  • To manage the movable and immovable properties of the organization, which is officially in the name of the body.
  • To property would be sold or purchased by the executive body, without prior permission of the Registrar. If needed, a special meeting would be called for the amendment in the by laws and regulations, in the general body meeting. Approval for the same would be made in this meeting. After the proposal is approved by 2/3 majority in his meeting, the same would be presented to the registrar.

(5)- Rights of the president- He would chair all the meetings of General body and executive body. He would call meeting of executive body through the secretary.

(6)- Rights of the vice president- He would chair all the meetings of General body and executive body in the absence of the president and would ex and would excise his Rights.

(7)- Rights of the secretary-

A-  To call the meeting of the general body and executive body meeting from time to time. To present all the suggestions and applications, (received earlier) in the meeting.

B-  To present the audited financial account of the previous year with annual report in the general body meeting every year.

C-  To prepare all het documents of the body and examine the same. In case of finding any irregularities, would inform the same to the executive body.

D- He would have the power to spend maximum Rs 60,000/- for a single task.

(8)- Rights of Treasurer-

To maintain the records of all the expenses of the organization and to meet eh expenses, which have been approved by the president and the secretary.

(9)- Bank Account-

All the funds of the organization would be kept in the account, in any of the nationalized bank or Post Office. The amount would be withdrawn with the joint signature of the president or secretary and treasurer. The treasurer would keep maximum Rs 25000/- for daily expenses.

(10)- Details to be sent to the Registrar-

As per the by-laws of the organization within 45 days of the general body meeting the list of executive body and audited report would be sent to the Registrar.

(11)- Amendment-

Any amendment in the by-laws of the organization would be made with 2/3 majority, in the general body meeting. If needed, he amendment in the by-laws by the Registrar, which would be acceptable o all the members of the organization.



(12)- Dissolution-

The proposal for the dissolution of the organization would be approved on a 3/5 majority after the division of votes in the general body meeting. In such condition, all the movable and immovable properties would be handed over to any other organization, having similar objectives. This process would be conducted as per the provision in the by-laws.

(13)- Assets-

All the movable and immovable assets would be in the name of the organization. No asset would be sold or purchased by the executive body, without prior permission of the Registrar.

(14)- Bank account-

All the funds of the organization would be kept in the account, in any of the nationalized bank or Post Office. The process of deposit and withdrawal would be done as per the regulations.

 (15)- Meeting to be called by the Registrar-

If the registered office-bearers of the governing body fail to call any meeting, the Registrar- (firms and societies) would have the rights. He would have the rights to fix the agenda of the said meeting also.

(16) – Dispute-

In case of any dispute, the president would have the rights; the president would have the rights to call the general body meeting, to sort out the same. If the office-bearers or members are not satisfied with the process, the decisions taken in his meeting would be forwarded to the Registrar. The decision given by the Registrar would be final and binding to all the members. In case of any other dispute, raised in the governing body or executive body the Registrar would have the rights to give final decision on these matters.


Semster Exam Form 2019-20


सेमेस्टर की परीक्षा जनवरी-जून 2020 हेतु आावश्यक निर्देश प्रेषण ।

timetable semester exam dt 11 sep 2020

disha nirdesh regarding exam 2019-2020 dt 11sep2020

बी.बी..ए षष्ठम सेमेस्टर परीक्षा सितंबर-अक्टूबर 2020

महाविद्यालयों में प्रवेश की तिथि में वृद्धि करने

वार्षिक एवं सेमेस्टर परीक्षा के लिए उत्तर-पुस्तिकाओं के वितरण को स्थगित किए जाने विषयक

स्नातकोत्तर प्रथम सेमेस्टरों के पाठ्यक्रमों में प्रवेश की प्रक्रिया के लिए आॅनलाईन पोर्टल 28.10.20. से खोले जाने के संबंध में।


Inauguration of Late Mrs. Swarn Lata Amrish Kumar Agrawal News & Radio Studio on 27 Feb 2021

BBA 1st , 3rd, 5th Semester Exam Time Table 2020-21

MSW 1st semester Exam time table 2020-21

MSW 3rd semester Exam time table 2020-21

संशोधित अधिसूचना (पं.रविशंकर शुक्ल विश्वविद्यालय रायपुर )

Date Extension for Exam form (pt. Ravishankar Shukla University,Raipur)

Covid Guidline for Institution

स्थगित सेमेस्टर परीक्षा दिसंबर-जनवरी 2020-21 की संशोधित समय सारणी ।



प.ं रविशंकर शुक्ल वि.वि. के छात्रों हेतु परीक्षा के संबंध में आवश्यक अधिसूचनाा।

Revised Time table for semester exam

Ktu exam guide line

वार्षिक परीक्षा - 2020-21 के संबंध में अधिसूचना।








E-3027, B. Com. B. A. B. Sc. B. H. Sc. (Part -II) FC (NewOld Cour.) Paper II ENG. LANG.

E-3052, B. Com.B. A.B. Sc. B. H. Sc. (Part –III) FC Paper II ENG. LANG.

E-3890, B. C. A. (Part I) (New Course) Paper I DISCRETE MATHS (BCA–101)

E-3898, B. C. A. (Part II) (New Course)Paper I CALCULUS & DIFF.EQUATIONS (BCA–201)

E-3904, B. C. A. (Part II) (Old Course) Paper I NUMERICAL ANALYSIS (201)

E-3003, B. Com. (Part I) (New Course) (Group–I) Paper I FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING

E-3013, B. Com. (Part I) (Old Course) (Gr-I Accounting) Paper I FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING

E-3028, B. Com. (Part II) (New Course) (Gr.-I) Paper I CORPORATE ACCOUNTING

E-3037, B. Com. (Part II) (Old Course) (Gr.-I Accounting) Paper I CORPORATE ACCOUNTING

E-3053, B. Com. (Part III) (Compulsory) Paper I INCOME TAX

E-3103, B. A. (Part I) (New Course) SOCIOLOGY Paper I (Introduction to Sociology)

E-3131, B. A. (Part I) (New Course) ANTHROPOLOGY Paper I (Foundation of Anthropology)

E-3160, B. A. (Part I) (Old Course) SOCIOLOGY Paper I (Introduction to Sociology)

E-3201, B. A. (Part II) (New Course) POLITICAL SCIENCE Paper I (Pa. Raj. Chintan)

E-3201, B. A. (Part II) (New Course) POLITICAL SCIENCE Paper I (Pa. Raj. Chintan)

E-3242, B. A. (Part II) DRAWING AND PAINTING Paper I (History of Indian Painting)

E-3242, B. A. (Part II) DRAWING AND PAINTING Paper I (History of Indian Painting)

E-3920, B. C. A. (Part III) (Old Course) Paper II DIFF. EQU. & FOURIER SERIES (301)

E-3914 B. C. A. (Part -III) (New Cours) Paper II Program. in JAVA (302)

E-3905, B. C. A. (Part II) (Old Course) Paper II DIFFERENTIATION & INTEGRATION (201)

E-3899, B.C.A. (Part-II) (New Cour.) Paper II DATABASE MANG. SYS. (BCA-202)

E-3899, B.C.A. (Part-II) (New Cour.) Paper II DATABASE MANG. SYS. (BCA-202) (1)

E-3891, B. C. A. (Part I) (New Course) COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS (102)

E-3891, B. C. A. (Part I) (New Course) COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS (102) (1)

E-3891, B. C. A. (Part I) (New Course) COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS (102) (1)

E-3304, B. A. (Part III) SOCIOLOGY Paper I (Sociology of Tribal Society)

E-3326, B. A. (Part III) A.I.H.C.A. Paper I ( Bhar. Vast. & Kal. ke Mul. Tat.)

E-3565, B. Sc. (Part I) (New Course) CHEMISTRY Paper I (Inorganic Chemistry)

E-3624, B. Sc. (Part I) (Old Course) CHEMISTRY Paper I (Inorganic Chemistry)

E-3673, B. Sc. (Part-II) (N.C.) BOTANY Paper I Plant Tax., Eco. Bot., Plant Anat. & Embr.

E-3722, B. Sc. (Part II) (Old Course) PHYSICS Paper I (Therm., Kinetic Theory & Stat. Physics)

E-3729, B. Sc. (Part II) (Old Course) BOTANY Paper I (Diversity of Seed Plants & Their Sys.)

E-3004, B. Com. (Part I) (New Course) (Group—I) Paper II BUSINESS COMM.

E-3014, B. Com. (Part I) (Old Course) (Gr.-I Accounting) Paper II BUSINESS MATHEMATICS

E-3029, B. Com. (Part II) (New Course) (Gr.-I) Paper II COMPANY LAW

E-3038, B. Com. (Part II) (Old Course) (Gr.–I Accounting) Paper II COST ACCOUNTING

E-3054, B. Com. (Part III) (Compulsory) Paper II INDIRECT TAXES

E-3104, B. A. (Part I) (New Course) SOCIOLOGY Paper II (Contemporary Indian Society)

E-3124, B. A. (Part I) (New Course) A.I.H.C, A. Paper II ( Bharat ka Raj. Iti..319 E to 1300 E)

E-3132, B. A. (Part I) (New Course) ANTHROPOLOGY Paper II (SariJaiviki.Manaavvigayan)

E-3161, B. A. (Part I) (Old Course) SOCIOLOGY Paper II (Foundations of Sociological Thought)

E-3202, B. A. (Part II) (N.C.) POLI. SCI. Paper II [Comp. Govt. & Poli. (Brit., Ameri., China & Swit.)]

E-3210, B. A. (Part II) HOME SCIENCE Paper II ( Pari. San. Pra.)

E-3259, B. A. (Part II) (Old Cour.) POLI. SCI. Paper II [Comp. Govt. & Poli. (Britain, America, China & Switzerland)

E-3305, B. A. (Part III) SOCIOLOGY Paper II (Social Research Methods)

E-3327, B. A. (Part III) A.I.H.C.A. Paper II (A) (Bhar. Pura. ke Mul. Ta.)

E-3921, B. C. A. (Part - III) (Old Cour.) Paper III COMP. SYS.ARCHI. (301)

E-3915, B. C. A. (Part - III) (New Cour.) Paper III Dot Net Technology (303)

E-3566, B. Sc. (Part I) (New Course) CHEMISTRY Paper II (Organic Chemistry)

E-3625, B. Sc. (Part I) (Old Course) CHEMISTRY Paper II (Organic Chemistry)

E-3664, B. Sc. (Part II) (New Course) PHYSICS Paper II (Waves, Acoustics and Optics)

E-3664, B. Sc. (Part II) (New Course) PHYSICS Paper II (Waves, Acoustics and Optics)

E-3674, B. Sc. (Part-II) (New Course) BOTANY Paper II Ecology & Plant Physiology

E-3723, B. Sc. (Part II) (Old Course) PHYSICS Paper II (Waves, Acoustics and Optics)

E-3730, B. Sc. (Part II) (Old Course) BOTANY Paper II (Structure, Dev. & Rep. in Flow. Plants)

E-3766, B. Sc. (Part III) CHEMISTRY Paper II (Organic Chemistry)

E-3861, B. Sc. (Home Sci.) (Part II) (New Course) (Gr.–II) Paper B TEXTILE & FIBER SCI.

E-3876, B. Sc. (Home Science) (Part III) (Gr.-II) Paper B FOOD PRESERVATION

E-3892, B.C.A.(Part-I) (New Course) Programming in “C” Lang. (BCA-103)

E-3906, B. C. A. (Part II) (Old Course) Paper III DATA STRUCTURE (201) (1)

E-3906, B. C. A. (Part II) (Old Course) Paper III DATA STRUCTURE (201)

E-3005, B. Com. (Part I) (New Course) (Group—II) Paper I BUSINESS MATHEMATICS

E-3030, B. Com. (Part II) (New Course) (Group—II) Paper I COST ACCOUNTING

E-3039, B. Com. (Part II) (Old Course) (Gr.-II Busi. Mang.) Paper I PRIN. OF BUSI.MANG.

E-3056, B. Com. (Part III) (Compulsory) Paper IV AUDITING

E-3154, B. A. (Part I) (Old Course) HISTORY Paper I (Hist. of Ind. from the Begin. to 1206 A. D.)


E-3215, B. A. (Part II) (New Course) A.I.H.C.A. Paper I ( Pra. Bha. Sama.& Arth. Sasth.)

E-3302, B. A. (Part III) POLITICAL SCIENCE Paper I (International Politics)

E-3311, B. A. (Part III) HOME SCIENCE Paper I (Human Development)

E-3350, B. A. (Part III) DRAWING Paper I (History of Indian Painting)

E-3567, B. Sc. (Part I) (New Course) CHEMISTRY Paper III (Physical Chemistry)

E-3626, B. Sc. (Part-I) (OLD COURSE) CHEMISTRY Paper III (Physical Chemistry)

E-3665, B. Sc. (Part II) (New Course) CHEMISTRY Paper I (Inorganic Chemistry)

E-3724, B. Sc. (Part II) (Old Course) CHEMISTRY Paper I (Inorganic Chemistry)

E-3767, B. Sc. (Part III) CHEMISTRY Paper III (Physical Chemistry)

E-3767, B. Sc. (Part III) CHEMISTRY Paper III (Physical Chemistry)

E-3845, B. Sc. (Home Science) (Part I) (New Course) Gr.-III (A) Paper III INT. TO HUM.DEV.

E-3845, B. Sc. (Home Science) (Part I) (New Course) Gr.-III (A) Paper III INT. TO HUM.DEV.

E-3877, B. Sc. (Home Science) (Part III) (Gr.-III) Paper A EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION

E-3893, B. C. A. (Part I) (New Course) PC SOFTWARE AND MULTIMEDIA (BCA–104)

E-3901, B. C. A. (Part II) (New Course) Paper IV COMPUTER NETWORKS (BCA–204)

E-3907, B.C.A. (Part-II) (Old Course) Paper IV DBMS (ORACLE, SQL) (202)

E-3916, B. C. A. (Part III) (New Course) Paper IV SOFTWARE ENGINEERING (304)

E-3916, B. C. A. (Part III) (New Course) Paper IV SOFTWARE ENGINEERING (304)

E-3006, B. Com. (Part I) (New Course) (Gr.-II) Paper II BUSINESS REGULATORY FRAMEWORK

E-3016, B. Com. (Part I) (Old Course) (Gr.-II Business Mang.) Paper II BUS.REG.FRAMEWORK

E-3031, B. Com. (Part II) (New Course) (Group–II) Paper II PRIN. OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT

E-3040, B. Com. (Part-II) (OLD COUR.) (Gro.-II, Busi. Mang.) Paper II COMPANY LAW

E-3057, B. Com. (Part III) (Optional Gr. A—Fin. Area) Paper I FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT

E-3059, B. Com. (Part III) (Opt. Gr. B—Marketing Area) Paper I PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING

E-3061, B. Com. (Part III) (Opt. Gr.-C) (Comm. Area) Paper I INF. TECH. & ITS APP. IN BUS.

E-3063, B. Com. (Part III) (Opt. Gr.-D) (Money, Banking & Insu. Area) Paper I FUNDA.OF INSU.

E-3063, B. Com. (Part III) (Opt. Gr.-D) (Money, Banking & Insu. Area) Paper I FUNDA.OF INSU.

E-3204, B. A. (Part II) (New Course) SOCIOLOGY Paper II (Crime and Society)

E-3216, B. A. (Part II) (New Course) A.I.H.C.A. Paper II ( Pra. Bharti. Rajnay & Pra)

E-3261, B. A. (Part – II) SOCIOLOGY (Old Course) Paper II (Crime and Society)

E-3303, B. A. (Part III) POLITICAL SCIENCE Paper II (Public Administration)

E-3312, B. A. (Part III) HOME SCIENCE Paper II (Aahaar & Poshan Vigyan)

E-3568, B. Sc. (Part I) (New Course) MATHEMATICS Paper I (Algebra and Trigonometry)

E-3575, B. Sc. (Part I) (New Course) ZOOLOGY Paper I (Cell Biology and Non-Chordata)

E-3627, B. Sc. (Part I) (Old Course) MATHEMATICS Paper I (Algebra and Trigonometry)

E-3634, B. Sc. (Part I) (Old Course) ZOOLOGY Paper I (Cell Biology and Invertebrates)

E-3666, B. Sc. (Part II) (New Course) CHEMISTRY Paper II (Organic Chemistry)

E-3725, B. Sc. (Part II) (Old Course) CHEMISTRY Paper II (Organic Chemistry) (1)

E-3725, B. Sc. (Part II) (Old Course) CHEMISTRY Paper II (Organic Chemistry)

E-3763, B. Sc. (Part III) PHYSICS Paper I (Rela., Quant. Mecha., Atomic, Mole. & Nuclear Phy.)

E-3777, B. Sc. (Part III) BOTANY Paper I (Plant Physiology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology)

E-3846, B. Sc. (Home Sci.) (Part I) (New Cour.) Gr.-III (B) Paper IV TEXTILE AND CLOTHING

E-3863, B. Sc. (Home Sci.) (Part II) (New Cour.) (Gro.-III) Paper B COMMUNICATION PROCESS

E-3041, B. Com. (Part II) (Old Course) (Group—III App. Eco.) Paper I BUSINESS STATISTICS

E-3062, B. Com. (Part III) (Opt. Gr.-C) (Comm. Area) Paper II ESSENTIALS OF e-COMMERCE

E-3295, B. A. (Part III) ENGLISH LITERATURE Paper I (Indian Writing in English)

E-3018, B. Com. (Part – I) (Old Course) (Group-III Applied Eco.) Paper II BUSINESS ECONOMICS

E-3033, B. Com. (Part II) (New Course) (Gr.-III-App. Eco.) Paper II FUND. OF ENT.

E-3042, B. Com. (Part II) (Old Cour.)(Gr.-III App.Eco.) Paper II FUNDA. OF ENTREP.

E-3055, B. Com. (Part III) (Compulsory) Paper III MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING

E-3099, B. A. (Part – I) ECONOMICS (New Course) Paper I (Micro Economics)

E-3115, B. A. (Part I) LINGUISTICS Paper I ( Bhasha ki Prakriti)

E-3224, B. A. (Part II) MUSIC Paper II (Theory of Indian Music—VocalInstrumental)

E-3241, B. A. (Part-II) (New Course) DANCE Paper II (Shastri Nitya ka Sidh.)

E-3297, B. A. (Part III) ENGLISH LITERATURE Paper II (B) (20th Century Literature in English) (1)

E-3297, B. A. (Part III) ENGLISH LITERATURE Paper II (B) (20th Century Literature in English)

E-3299, B. A. (Part – III) HISTORY Paper II (World History 1871 E. to 1945 E.)

E-3570, B. Sc. (Part I) (New Course) MATHEMATICS Paper III (Vector Analysis and Geometry)

E-3629, B. Sc. (Part I) (Old Course) MATHEMATICS Paper III (Vector Analysis and Geometry)

E-3668, B. Sc. (Part II) MATHEMATICS Paper I (Advanced Calculus)

E-3675, B. Sc. (Part II) (New Course) ZOOLOGY Paper I (Anatomy and Physiology)

E-3731, B. Sc. (Part II) (Old Course) ZOOLOGY Paper I (Anatomy and Physiology)

E-3768, B. Sc. (Part III) MATHEMATICS Paper I (Analysis)

E-3779, B. Sc. (Part-III) ZOOL. Paper I Ecology, Env. Bio., Toxic., Micro. & Medi. Zool.

E-3779, B. Sc. (Part-III) ZOOL. Paper I Ecology, Env. Bio., Toxic., Micro. & Medi. Zool.

E-3848, B. Sc. (Home Sci.) (Part-I) (New Course) Gr.-IV (B) Paper VI PERS. EMP. & COMP. BASICS

E-3865, B. Sc. (Home Sci.) (Part II) (New Cour.) (Gro.-IV) Paper B CONSUMER ECONOMICS


E-3910, B. C. A. (Part II) (Old Course) Paper VII LINUX (205)

E-3925, B. C. A. (Part III) (Old Cour.) Paper VII MULTIMEDIA TOOLS & APPLICATION (305-A)

E-3911, B. C. A. (Part II) (Old Cour.) Paper VIII PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT (BCA—206)

E-3009, B. Com. (Part I) (New Course) COMPUTER APPLICATION Paper I (Comp. Fundamentals)

E-3034, B. Com. (Part II) COMPUTER APPLICATION Paper I (Int. App. & e-Commerce)

E-3065, B. Com. (Part III) COMPUTER APPLICATION Paper I (Programming in Visual Basic)

E-3077, M. Com. (F) (Comp.) Paper II ADVANCED COST ACCOUNTING

E-3116, B. A. (Part I) LINGUISTICS Paper II (Dhaoni & Sab. Abhirachana )

E-3141, B. A. (Part I) (New Course) DANCE Paper II (Shastri Nity. Sidha.)

E-3211, B.A.(Part-II) (New Course) Sanskrit Literature Paper-I (Natak, Vyakran, & Rachana)

E-3233, B. A. (Part II) MATHEMATICS Paper I (Advanced Calculus)

E-3300, B. A. (Part III) ECONOMICS Paper I (Development and Environmental Economics)

E-3300, B. A. (Part III) ECONOMICS Paper I (Development and Environmental Economics)

महत्वपूर्ण --स्नातक स्तर भाग-तीन एवं स्नातकोत्तर कक्षाओं की सिलेबस (सत्र 2021-22) के सम्बन्ध में।

E-3783, B. Sc. (Part III) GEOLOGY Paper I ( Saidhantik)

समस्त अंतिम सेमेस्टर परीक्षा मई-जून 2021 की संशोधित समय-सारणी।

Notification For Semester Exam 2021-22

पं. रविशंकर शुक्ल विश्वविद्यालय हेतुः- शैक्षणिक सत्र 2021-22 में प्रवेश तिथि में बाबत्।

कुशाभाऊ ठाकरे पत्रकारिता एवं जनसंचार विश्वविद्यालय हेतुः. शैक्षणिक सत्र 2021.22 में प्रवेश तिथि में बाबत्।

परीक्षा संचालन संबंधी निर्देश।

परीक्षा केन्दª सूची सत्र 2020-21।

Notification of Addmission 2021

Notification - Regarding age boundation in admission.



College Best Practice “Initiative by the MSW students in NGOs, & Sheltars”

अग्रसेन महाविद्यालय में कंप्यूटर साइंस डिपार्टमेंट के द्वारा टैली मैं सेमिनार आयोजित किया गया

Bcom 1st year Student id and name list



अग्रसेन महाविद्यालय में दिनांक १२/०१/२०२२ को युवा दिवस के उपलक्ष में स्लोगन प्रतियोगिता आयोजित की गयी जिसमें विभिन्न विभागों के छात्र छात्राओं ने भाग लिया


Commerce and Management Time Table 2022-23

induction and orientation program by CommerceDeparment

Department of Journalism and Mass communication Model Test Exam Time Table July - December 2022 Semester - I, III,V & PGDJ - I



रविवि की एम.एस.डब्ल्यू की प्रावीण्य सूची में दस में से आठ स्थानों पर अग्रसेन महाविद्यालय ने किया कब्ज़ा

अधिसूचना:- वार्षिक परीक्षा 2023 की प्रायोगिक परीक्षा के संबंध में

Department of Journalism and Mass Communication (Agrasen Mahavidyalaya, Raipur) is organizing a Three-day National seminar from 09 to 11 February 2023.

आमंत्रण - रा.से.यो. द्वारा सात दिवसीय विशेष शिविर का आयोजन

सूचना - बीए (जेएमसी) तृतीय सेमेस्टर प्रायोगिक परीक्षा दिनांक 14 मार्च 2023 को समय सुबह 9 बजे से आयोजित की जाएगी

सूचना - बीए (जेएमसी) पंचम सेमेस्टर प्रायोगिक परीक्षा दिनांक 14 मार्च 2023 को समय सुबह 9 बजे से आयोजित की जाएगी



PGDCA/DCA Model Exam may 2023 FROM 10 MAY TO 12 MAY 2023



Class Presentation of Students of Final year year Cost Accounting Class test

Financial Literacy Session 05/oct/2023 Department of Commerce and Management


रामकृष्ण हॉस्पिटल , रायपुर एवं अग्रसेन महाविद्यालय के सयुंक्त तत्वाधान मैं कैंसर अवेरनेस प्रोग्राम

Sensitization of students and employees of the Institution to the constitutional obligations: values, rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens

Best Practice

Agrasen Mahavidyalaaya Alumni Association

Alumni Meetup 2024 and Mcom affilation

Reserved Seats Under GOI

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